If you wish to cancel your credit card because of high bills then you must write a Letter to cancel own credit account due to High Bills to the credit card company. You can either write your own letter by describing the issue and requesting for cancelling the card or you can use the Credit card cancellation letter format to create your own draft quick and easy.
Write a letter to close credit card account. You can use this Sample Letter to Close Account which is a short and precise letter to draft.
Letter to Cancel Own Credit Card Because of High Bills
Richard Smith
54, Henry Lane
New York
Date: June 15, 2022
The Manager
New Age Bank
New York
Sub: Cancelling of credit card account
Dear Sir,
I, Richard Smith, am writing this letter to request you to please cancel my credit card account with credit card number 9865 7856 5612 2356. This is because I was billed heavily for the last month as my wife ended up shopping a fortune without my notice and it is beyond my finances to manage such expenses.
I am hopeful that you are going to consider my situation and have the card cancelled with immediate effect.
Thanking you.
Richard Smith